Grow (Season 3)

The final stage of the entrepreneurship tournament for innovative business ideas 3Challenge – Grow will be held on May 12, 2013 in the Aula of Sofia University. Come to find out which of the three finalists will win the tournament and many other awards!



14:00 – 14:30     Registration
14:30 – 15:00     Opening
15:00 – 15:20     Finalist: MaistorPlus
15:20 – 15:40     Finalist:
15:40 – 16:00     Finalist: DS Tech
16:00 – 16:20     Coffee break
16:20 – 16:30     Presentation –
16:30 – 16:40     Presentation – Eventyard
16:40 – 16:50     Presentation – Difio
16:50 – 17:10     Todor Kolev from Obecto: How to conquer the world in three simple steps
17:10 – 17:20     Coffee break
17:20 – 17:40     Anton Tsenov from Join the Players: Love for entrepreneurship
17:40 – 18:00     Closing Ceremony
18:00 – 19:00     Cocktail


Maistor Plus aims to solve the common problem of where and how we find skilled home repair professionals (Maistors). The platform offers reliable and easy-to-use feedback system to the benefit of both customers and Maistors. The idea is to stimulate and support quality work, to help build a new positive image of local Maistors and to enable customers to find the best professionals for all kinds of home repair quickly and easily.

Our team of young IT specialists at is building a platform for quick and easy development of PC and mobile multiplayer games. Besides the platform, we are also developing many popular games ourselves, such as Scrabble, Pocker, Belote, Draw It and many others.

DS Tech

DS Tech is an idea based on a device for diagnosing automotive towing brackets. The diagnostics will be precise and performed in a matter of minutes, whilst the device itself will be compact and easy to use by the customer. The device is a genuine innovation and through it we will strive to accumulate the resources necessary for us to turn into a technology business – one that will continue to develop innovative products and services for vehicle diagnostics.


12 May, 2013 (Sunday)


14:00 h


14:30 h


The Aula of Sofia University


3 Responses so far.

  1. [...] На самото събитие Grow публиката ще има възможност да чуе представянето на трите екипа, достигнали до финалната фаза на турнира, а именно MaistorPlus, и DS Tech. Журито ще избере големия победител, който ще получи много различни награди. Журито е в състав Крум Хаджигеоргиев, главен изпълнителен директор на българската софтуерна фирма Melon, Любен Белов, съосновател на инвестиционния фонд LAUNCHub, Георги Шарков, изпълнителен директор на ESI Center, Ивайло Симов, съосновател на фонда Eleven. Възможност да представят идеите и напредъка си пред публиката, се дава и на част от участниците в 3Challenge, отпаднали от турнира на предходния етап – Seed. Достъпът до събитието е само с покани, които могат да бъдат взети на адрес: [...]

  2. Виолета Колева says:

    Интересно събитие, желая да присъствам.

  3. [...] тази публикация ще споделим, какво се случи на етапа Grow на състезанито 3Challenge, което се състоя днес [...]